Our ACE Family started the season with a Valentine's Team Meet and Greet! Praise the Lord that our ACE family is growing!
At ACE, we are open to any and all discussions to help the girls navigate through life. The question asked was is Jesus the the only way to God and if other religions are true. Man, what a great question! So we dived rig...
We started the new 2025 year with a bang! With Off-Season training starting back up, the girls shared about their holiday experiences. They talked about their Christmases and their New Year celebrations. We kicked off ou...
A Savior is born!! What a love story from our precious God! We all fall short from the glory of God, deserving everlasting hell, but God designed a plan to save us!
God provides us with ultimate comfort- He is our shield.
ACE is built upon the goal of pursuing our purpose in Jesus Christ.
How gracious is our Heavenly Father to create us all with a high calling through His Son Jesus Christ!!
ACE Champion Sports 5300 Main St Rowlett, Texas 75088
Phone: 469-573-2820 Email: [email protected]